
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth" Acts1:8
Evidence Church is so blessed to be able to partner with Source of Life Church in Honduras!
Our Honduras mission project is a part of our "end of the world ministry." We believe we have an obligation according to scripture to reach Jerusalum (our city) Judea & Sameria (our nation) and the ends of the earth (our world) according to Acts 1:8.
Source of Life Church is way up in the mountains, you literally run out of road 200 yards past the church. The closest big town to the church is Gracias, Honduras, which is about a 30 minute drive.
Our Honduras mission project is a part of our "end of the world ministry." We believe we have an obligation according to scripture to reach Jerusalum (our city) Judea & Sameria (our nation) and the ends of the earth (our world) according to Acts 1:8.
Source of Life Church is way up in the mountains, you literally run out of road 200 yards past the church. The closest big town to the church is Gracias, Honduras, which is about a 30 minute drive.
Pastor Alexander is 29 years old and he planted the church in 2021. Pastor Alexander is a bivocational pastor and works 6 days a week and also pastors the church. In January 2024 Pastor Jason met Pastor Alexander and was led by the Lord to have Evidence Church partner with Source of Life Church and to help them reach their community.